#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # TCS Generation 5 API test script # please bear with us as we improve both code quality and readability # for now, this script can do 2FA login, request an organisation based # on the primary domain requested (or uses nikhef.nl if you do not request # any server certificates) and file a request for a series of domain names # given an (SAN-free) CSR in PEM format. # # This is mainly intended to demonstrate how to use the HARICA API as of # December 2024. This API may change over time, so check the official HARICA # documentation at https://developer.harica.gr/ and # https://guides.harica.gr/docs/Guides/Developer/3.-Request-for-SSL-Certificate-Prevalidated-Domains/ # # This is part of the Nikhef PDP Experimental Services initiative. See # https://www.nikhef.nl/pdp/doc/experimental-services for what this means # for your favoured pets. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2024 David Groep, Nikhef, Amsterdam # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # use strict; use POSIX; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); use Term::ReadKey; use JSON; use MIME::Base32; use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw/ hmac_sha1_hex /; use LWP; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use Data::Dumper; use open qw( :std :encoding(UTF-8) ); use utf8; # default values - can be overwritten in the dotrc files local $::cmusername = 'emailaddress@example.org'; local $::cmpasswordfile = "/media/security/ephemeral/cm-stg-user.passphrase"; local $::tokensecjsonpat=$ENV{"ANDOTPJSON"}?$ENV{"ANDOTPJSON"}:"/media/totp-usability/otp_accounts_*.json"; local $::cm_endpoint = "https://cm-stg.harica.gr"; local $::tokenname = "HARICA STG MYSELF"; local $::orgname = undef; local $::csrfile="AUTO"; local $::profile="OV"; local $::keytype="rsa:4096"; local $::httpagent = "tcsg5-apitool/0.03 (DLG Nikhef NL v20241225)"; local $::openssl = "openssl"; local $::ossl_packaging = 0; local $::ossl_pkcs12_extra_opts = ""; local $::basedir = "."; local $::dirprefix = "tcs-"; local $::verb = 0; local $::dry = 0; my $friendlyname; my $jsonfile; my $jsonfiledate=0; my $jsondata; my $help; # read local dot-config if present before cmd arguments (update defaults) foreach my $cfgfile ( "$ENV{'HOME'}/.tcsg5apirc", "$ENV{'HOME'}/.haricarc", "/usr/local/etc/tcsg5apirc", "/usr/local/etc/haricarc", "/etc/tcsg5apirc", "/etc/haricarc" ) { if ( -r $cfgfile ) { open CFG,"<$cfgfile" or die "Cannot open config $cfgfile: $!\n"; my $config = do { local $/; }; close CFG; $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { }; eval($config); $SIG{'__WARN__'} = 'DEFAULT'; die "Invalid statement in config $cfgfile $@\n" if $@; last; } } &GetOptions( 's|jsonsource=s' => \$::tokensecjsonpat, 't|tokenname=s' => \$::tokenname, 'e|endpoint=s' => \$::cm_endpoint, 'P|passwordfile=s' => \$::cmpasswordfile, 'U|username=s' => \$::cmusername, 'O|orgname|organizationName=s' => \$::orgname, 'R|req|csr=s' => \$::csrfile, 'certprofile=s' => \$::profile, 'd|basedir=s' => \$::basedir, 'F|name=s' => \$friendlyname, 'A|advanced_packaging' => \$::ossl_packaging, 'pkcs12_opts=s' => \$::ossl_pkcs12_extra_opts, 'h|help' => \$help, 'n|dryrun|dry' => \$::dry, 'v|verbose+' => \$::verb ) or exit 1; if ( $help or $#ARGV < -1 ) { print &get_usage_text($0); exit; } # ########################################################################### # initialise context and retrieve ephemeral connection data # my ($cm_domain,$cookie_jar,$ua,$res); ( $cm_domain = $::cm_endpoint ) =~ s/^https?:\/\///; $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new( ignore_discard => 1 ); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => $cookie_jar ); push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST'; $ua->agent($::httpagent); $ua->timeout(60); $ua->default_header('Accept' => "application/json, text/plain, */*"); $::verb >= 4 and $ua->add_handler( request_send => sub { my($request, $ua, $handler) = @_; print "REQUEST_SEND:\n".Dumper($request); return undef; } ); print "Connecting to HARICA API endpoint on $cm_domain\n"; # ########################################################################### # Login 2FA (Enterprise Admin needs 2FA) # # obtain RequestVerificationToken from the home page, perform 2FA login # and then re-obtain the token (since apparently we have to do it twice # and a successful login re-sets the RequestVerificationToken?) my $webtoken; &ua_update_rvtoken($ua) or die "Cannot update required RVtoken\n"; my %logindata = ( "email" => $::cmusername, "password" => &password_get(), "token" => &totp_get_token($::tokensecjsonpat,$::tokenname) ); $ua->default_header('Content-Type' => "application/json;charset=utf-8"); $res = &ua_call($ua,"post","/api/User/Login2FA", Content => encode_json(\%logindata) ); if ( $res->decoded_content =~ /^[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9=\/]+\.[-a-z0-9=\/]+\.[-a-z0-9=\/_]+$/i ) { # got a JWT # strip off any line endings not part of the JWT ($webtoken=$res->decoded_content) =~ s/[\r\n]*$//; $::verb >= 2 and print "Authorization JWT: $webtoken\n"; $ua->default_header('Authorization' => "$webtoken"); } else { die "This response to the Login2FA was not expected (I wanted a JWT).\n"; } &ua_update_rvtoken($ua) or die "Cannot update required RVtoken\n"; # # Have a JWT hereafter. But remember the JWT is not enough. Like the world... # ########################################################################### if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) { # no request to be done now print "Login succeeded, but no command given\n"; print "Valid commands:\n"; print " req [ ...] (requires CSR file or AUTO)\n"; print " dl \n"; print " orglist [ ...]\n"; exit 0; } my $command = shift; # ########################################################################### # REQUEST function - write to the usual local directory structure # if ( $command eq "req" ) { die "No domains specified\n" unless $#ARGV>=0; my @domains = @ARGV; my $org = undef; my ($fname, $dirname, $csr, $modulus); # retrieve the matching organisation, including the DN components # there can be multiple matching orgs, use -O to disambiguate # $ua->default_header('Content-Type' => "application/json;charset=utf-8"); $res = &ua_call($ua,"post", "/api/ServerCertificate/CheckMachingOrganization", Content => "[".&harica_req_build_domstring(@domains)."]" ); die &uares_check_content($res) ."\n" if &uares_check_content($res); my @orglist = @{decode_json($res->decoded_content)}; die "No available organisation for this domainlist\n" if $#orglist < 0; if ( $#orglist > 0 ) { die "Multiple orgs possible but no selection made (use -O org)\n" unless $::orgname; foreach my $try_org ( @orglist ) { if ( $try_org->{'organizationName'} eq $::orgname ) { $org = $try_org; last; } } die "Organisation $::orgname is not valid for this domainset\n" if not defined $org; } else { $org = $orglist[0]; } print "Requesting certificate in ". $org->{'organizationName'}." (".$org->{'id'}.")\n"; # construct a friendly name for the cert based on first domain name # or override with a commandline argument (-F) $fname = $ARGV[0]; $fname = $friendlyname if defined $friendlyname; $dirname = &mk_certdir($fname,"key-$fname.pem","request-$fname.pem"); $csr=""; $modulus="unknown"; if ( $::csrfile eq "AUTO" or $::csrfile eq "auto" ) { system("$::openssl req -new -nodes -newkey $::keytype -outform pem". " -out \"$dirname/request-$fname.pem\" -keyout \"$dirname/key-$fname.pem\"". " -subj \"/CN=$fname\""); die "Did not find the generated request for $fname in $dirname\n" unless ( -s "$dirname/request-$fname.pem" ); system("$::openssl req -in \"$dirname/request-$fname.pem\" -text -out \"$dirname/request-$fname.txt\""); open my $fh, '<', "$dirname/request-$fname.pem" or die "Can't open file $dirname/request-$fname.pem: $!\n"; $csr = do { local $/; <$fh> }; close $fh; $modulus = `$::openssl req -noout -modulus -in \"$dirname/request-$fname.pem\"`; chomp($modulus); $modulus =~ s/^.*=\s*//; die "Generated CSR is not valid (no modulus)\n" unless $modulus =~ /^[0-9A-F]+$/i; } else { die "Request needs a CSR file, but $::csrfile cannot be read\n" unless -r $::csrfile; open my $fh, '<', "$::csrfile" or die "Can't open file $::csrfile $!\n"; $csr = do { local $/; <$fh> }; close $fh; } my %formdata; %formdata = &harica_req_build($org,$::profile,$csr,$fname,@domains); print "Requesting certificate for @domains using $::csrfile\n"; if ( ! $::dry ) { $ua->default_header('Content-Type' => "multipart/form-data;charset=utf-8"); if ( $::verb > 2 ) { ( my $dump = Dumper(%formdata) ) =~ s/^/VERB3+: /gim; print "Form posting:\n$dump"; } $res = &ua_call($ua,"post","/api/ServerCertificate/RequestServerCertificate", Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => \%formdata ); die "No valid response for requesting server certificate\n" unless $res; die "Error requesting server certificate\n" unless $res->is_success; if ( $res->code != 200 ) { print "Error in placing server certificate request: ".$res->code."\n"; ( my $msg = $res->decoded_content ) =~ s/^/ /gim; print "$msg\n"; exit(1); } print "Requested certificate. Response is:\n"; print " ".$res->decoded_content."\n"; my %responsejson = %{decode_json($res->decoded_content)}; # write meta-data in the per-certificate request directory my $fh; open $fh,">$dirname/id-$fname.pem" and do { print $fh "friendlyName $fname\nid ".$responsejson{'id'}."\n"; print $fh "modulus $modulus\n"; print $fh "requested ".strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",gmtime())."\n"; print $fh "domains @domains\n"; close $fh; }; } else { print "DRYRUN: POST /api/ServerCertificate/RequestServerCertificate with form-data\n"; ( my $dump = Dumper(%formdata) ) =~ s/^/DRYRUN: /gim; print $dump; } } # ########################################################################### # DOWNLOAD/RETRIEVE function - write to the usual local directory structure # potentially prepared by the REQUEST command # note this one needs order numbers but these can be retrieved from the # directory - by hand for now # elsif ( $command eq "get" or $command eq "dl" ) { die "No order identifiers specified\n" unless $#ARGV>=0; foreach my $id ( @ARGV ) { warn "$id: not a valid UUID, ignored\n" and next unless $id =~ /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/; $ua->default_header('Content-Type' => "application/json;charset=utf-8"); $res = &ua_call($ua,"post", "/api/Certificate/GetCertificate", Content => "{ \"id\": \"$id\" }" ); die &uares_check_content($res) ." for certificate $id\n" if &uares_check_content($res); if ( $res->code != 200 ) { print "Error in retrieving certificate $id: ".$res->code."\n"; ( my $msg = $res->decoded_content ) =~ s/^/ /gim; print "$msg\n"; next; } print "Certificate order id $id\n"; my %certdata = %{decode_json($res->decoded_content)}; my $fname = $certdata{'friendlyName'}; $fname = $friendlyname if defined $friendlyname; my $dirname = &mk_certdir($fname); print "Writing certificate data for $fname to $dirname\n"; my $fh; open $fh,">$dirname/meta-$fname.txt" and do { print $fh "friendlyName $fname\nid $id\n"; print $fh "retrieved ".strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",gmtime())."\n"; close $fh; }; open $fh,">$dirname/cert-$fname.pem" and do { print $fh &pem64($certdata{'certificate'}); close $fh; }; open $fh,">$dirname/bundle-$fname.pem" and do { print $fh &pem64($certdata{'pemBundle'}); close $fh; }; open $fh,">$dirname/bundle-$fname.p7c" and do { print $fh $certdata{'pKCS7'}; close $fh; }; # split up the pemBundle into individual certs # in HARICA pemBundle format, each blob is PREceeded by a subject= # and issuer= line with the RFC2253 DN of each following blob my (@certs,@blines,@cert_subject,@cert_issuer,$iSub,$iIss); @blines = split /\n/,$certdata{'pemBundle'}; while ( $_ = shift @blines ) { $_ =~ /^subject\s*=\s*(.*)$/ and $iSub=$1; $_ =~ /^issuer\s*=\s*(.*)$/ and $iIss=$1; $_ eq "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and do { my $pemblob="$_\n"; while ( ( $_ = shift @blines ) ne "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" ) { $pemblob .= "$_\n"; } $pemblob .= "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; push @certs,$pemblob; push @cert_subject,$iSub; push @cert_issuer,$iIss; }; } # chain is the (ordered) list we get from HARICA. Assume that # this does not include the self-signed root, as we know HARICA # to be a clueful provider, but it may include a legacy trust path. # AND: nobody dare to insert a comma in an organisation name! open $fh,">$dirname/chain-$fname.pem" and do { for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $#certs ; $i++ ) { next if $cert_subject[$i] eq $cert_issuer[$i]; next if $cert_subject[$i] eq join ",", reverse split /,/,$certdata{'dN'}; print $fh &pem64($certs[$i]); } close $fh; }; open $fh,">$dirname/nginx-$fname.pem" and do { for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#certs ; $i++ ) { print $fh &pem64($certs[$i]); print $fh &pem64($certs[$i]) unless $cert_subject[$i] eq $cert_issuer[$i]; } close $fh; }; if ( $::ossl_packaging ) { # create advanced derived formats system("$::openssl pkcs7 -in \"$dirname/bundle-$fname.p7c\" ". "-outform der -out \"$dirname/bundle-$fname.p7b\""); -r "$dirname/key-$fname.pem" and do { # create pkcs12 file my $p12name = "$fname-".strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S",localtime()); system("$::openssl pkcs12 -export $::ossl_pkcs12_extra_opts ". " -in \"$dirname/cert-$fname.pem\" ". " -inkey \"$dirname/key-$fname.pem\" ". " -certfile \"$dirname/bundle-$fname.pem\" ". " -name \"$p12name\" ". " -out \"$dirname/package-$fname.p12\" ". " "); }; } } } # ########################################################################### # LIST organisations that can be selected for this domainset # elsif ( $command eq "orglist" ) { die "No domain given, at least one needed for orglist\n" unless $#ARGV>=0; # retrieve the matching organisation, including the DN components $ua->default_header('Content-Type' => "application/json;charset=utf-8"); $res = &ua_call($ua,"post", "/api/ServerCertificate/CheckMachingOrganization", Content => "[".&harica_req_build_domstring(@ARGV)."]" ); die &uares_check_content($res) ." for matching org\n" if &uares_check_content($res); my @orglist = @{decode_json($res->decoded_content)}; die "No available organisation for this domainlist\n" if $#orglist < 0; print "".(1+$#orglist)." available organisations for the combined domains:\n"; foreach my $org ( @orglist ) { printf "- %-37s %s\n",$org->{'organizationName'},$org->{'id'}; printf " %s\n",$org->{'dn'}; } print "Note that not all domains may be available for direct issuance\n"; } else { die "Unkown command $command, sorry!\n"; } # # End of tools - support routines follow (only) # # ########################################################################### # ########################################################################### # request construction # sub harica_req_build() { my ($org_dataref,$profile,$csr,$name,@domains) = @_; return undef unless $profile =~ /^[A-Z]+$/; return undef unless $org_dataref and $csr; return undef unless $#domains >= 0; $name = $domains[0] unless $name; my $orgID = $org_dataref->{'id'}; my $orgDN = "OrganizationId:$orgID"; my %formdata = ( "friendlyName" => $name, "transactionType" => $::profile, "consentSameKey" => "false", "isManualCSR" => "true", "duration" => 1, "csr" => $csr, ); # we MUST construct the whole DN, or the request will enter a manual # validation queue if ( $::profile eq "OV" or $::profile eq "EV" ) { $orgDN .= "&C:".$org_dataref->{'country'} if $org_dataref->{'country'}; $orgDN .= "&ST:".$org_dataref->{'state'} if $org_dataref->{'state'}; $orgDN .= "&L:".$org_dataref->{'locality'} if $org_dataref->{'locality'}; $orgDN .= "&O:".$org_dataref->{'organizationName'} if $org_dataref->{'organizationName'}; $orgDN .= "&OU:".$org_dataref->{'organizationUnitName'} if $org_dataref->{'organizationUnitName'}; $formdata{'organizationDN'} = $orgDN; } my $domstring = &harica_req_build_domstring(@domains); $formdata{'domains'} = "[$domstring]"; $formdata{'domainsString'} = "[$domstring]"; return %formdata; } # # the json for the domain request is rather bespoke, but at least # the same for the MachingOrganization API call and the request itself, # so we can re-use the construction routine # sub harica_req_build_domstring() { my (@domains) = @_; my @requested_domains = (); my $domstring = ''; my $dominfo = ''; foreach my $dom ( @domains ) { # if a www. is coming up in rest of list, then ignore here next if grep /^www\.$dom$/,@domains; next if grep /^$dom$/,@requested_domains; $domstring .= "," if $domstring; $domstring .= '{'; if ( $dom =~ /.*\*.*/ ) { $domstring .= "\"isWildcard\":true"; } else { $domstring .= "\"isWildcard\":false"; } if ( $dom =~ /^www\.(.*$)$/ ) { push @requested_domains,$1; $domstring .= ",\"domain\":\"$1\""; $domstring .= ",\"includeWWW\":true"; $dominfo .= " $1 (+WWW)\n"; } else { push @requested_domains,$dom; $domstring .= ",\"domain\":\"$dom\""; $domstring .= ",\"includeWWW\":false"; $dominfo .= " $dom\n"; } $domstring .= '}'; } if ($::verb > 2 ) { print "Domain list:\n$dominfo\n"; } return $domstring; } sub mk_certdir() { my ($fname,@keyfiles) = @_; # renormalise friendly name to match useful filenames $fname =~ s/[^-a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/_/g; my $dirname = "$::basedir/$::dirprefix$fname"; if ( -d $dirname ) { # should we backup and create because key files are present? # my $shouldmove = 0; foreach my $testglob ( @keyfiles ) { $shouldmove = 1 if glob("$dirname/$testglob"); } if ( $shouldmove ) { my $oldtime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S",localtime((stat($dirname))[9])); print "Evacuating $dirname to $dirname--$oldtime\n"; rename $dirname, "$dirname--$oldtime" or die "Cannot save old directory $dirname: $!\n" unless $::dry; } } if ( ! $::dry ) { mkdir $dirname,0750; die "Could not create $dirname (not a directory)\n" unless -d $dirname; } else { $dirname = "."; } $::verb > 1 and print "Certificate directory is $dirname\n"; return $dirname; } # pem64(multi-line-string) turns any base64 blobs inside a PEM # wrapper to 64 characters to align with the PEM RFC sub pem64() { my ($in) = @_; my $out; if ( $in =~ /.*-----.*/m ) { # this is a PEM blob $out=""; my @inlines = split /[\n\r]/,$in; my $current_line; while ( $current_line = shift @inlines ) { if ( $current_line =~ /^-----/ or $current_line !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9\+\/=]{2,}$/ ) { $out .= $current_line."\n"; } else { my $blob = $current_line."\n"; while ( $current_line = shift @inlines ) { ( $current_line =~ /^-----/ or $current_line !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9\+\/=]{2,}$/ ) and do { unshift @inlines,$current_line; last; }; $blob .= $current_line."\n"; } $blob =~ s/[\n\r]*//gm; $blob =~ s/(.{1,64})/$1\n/g; $out .= $blob; } } } else { # just rewrap to 64 characters ($out = $in) =~ s/[\n\r]*//gm; $out =~ s/(.{1,64})/$1\n/g; } return $out; } # ########################################################################### # display a UA web call result # sub ua_call() { my ($ua,$call,$endpoint,%data) = @_; my $res; die "Cannot find LWP UA\n" unless $ua; die "Invalid call (no call specificied)\n" unless $call; if ( $call =~ /^post$/i ) { if ( $::verb >= 3 ) { print "LWP POST $::cm_endpoint$endpoint"; $data{'Content'} and do print " with $data{'Content'}"; print "\n"; } $res = $ua->post("$::cm_endpoint$endpoint", %data ); } elsif ( $call =~ /^get$/i ) { if ( $::verb >=3 ) { print "LWP GET $::cm_endpoint$endpoint"; } $res = $ua->get("$::cm_endpoint$endpoint"); } else { die "Invalid call $call\n"; } if ( $::verb > 1 ) { &uares_display($res); } return $res; } sub uares_display() { my ($res) = @_; if ( $res->is_success) { if ( $::verb >= 3 ) { printf "----- %-38s ---------------------------------\n",$res->status_line; if ( $::verb >= 5 ) { print $res->headers_as_string(); print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } my $lines=0; foreach ( split /\n/,$res->decoded_content ) { print " $_\n"; last if ( $lines++ > 9 ); } print " ...\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } my $indexcontent=$res->decoded_content; if ( $indexcontent =~ /__RequestVerificationToken\"[^>]*value=\"([^\"]+)\"/ ) { print "NOTE: found RVToken $1\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } return 1; } else { print "!! Something, somewhere went wrong:\n"; print " ".$res->status_line."\n"; return 0; } } sub uares_check_content() { my ($res) = @_; return "No valid response (invocation error)" unless $res; return "Error in call invocation (no success)" unless $res->is_success; return "Error in call result (no content)" unless $res->decoded_content; return undef; } sub ua_update_rvtoken() { my ($uaref) = @_; my ($RVresponse); my $idxres = $uaref->get( "$::cm_endpoint" ); my $indexcontent=$idxres->decoded_content; if ( $indexcontent !~ /__RequestVerificationToken\"[^>]*value=\"([^\"]+)\"/ ) { print STDERR "Cannot get RequestVerificationToken from the web page\n"; return undef; } $RVresponse = $1; $::verb >= 2 and print "Updated RVToken from GET $::cm_endpoint to $RVresponse\n"; $uaref->default_header('RequestVerificationToken' => "$RVresponse"); return $RVresponse; } # ########################################################################## # # sub password_get() { my $passwd=""; if ( -r $::cmpasswordfile ) { # retrieve account password from password file open my $fh, '<', "$::cmpasswordfile" or die "Can't open file $::cmpasswordfile: $!\n"; $passwd = do { local $/; <$fh> }; close $fh; } else { $|=1; print "Your password for $::cmusername: "; ReadMode ( 'noecho' ); $passwd = ; ReadMode ( 'normal' ); print "\n"; } chomp($passwd); die "Cannot retrieve password for API user from $::cmpasswordfile\n" unless $passwd; $::verb and print "Retrieved password from $::cmpasswordfile\n"; return $passwd; } sub totp_get_token() { my ($tokensecjsonpat,$tokenname) = @_; my $otptoken=undef; # get the OTP token secrets file from a glob pattern # (before getting the RequestVerificationToken since that is very slow) foreach my $f ( glob($tokensecjsonpat) ) { if ( (stat($f))[9] > $jsonfiledate ) { $jsonfiledate = (stat(_))[9]; $jsonfile = $f; } } if ( ! $jsonfile or ! -f $jsonfile ) { $|=1; while ( not defined $otptoken or $otptoken !~ /^[0-9]{6}$/ ) { print "Your TOTP response for $::cmusername ($tokenname): "; $otptoken = ; } return $otptoken; } die "Cannot find totp secrets in $tokensecjsonpat (no such file)\n" unless $jsonfile; # generate OTP token from the AndOTP JSON secrets file # do this after the slow RV token retrieval # print "Generating TOTP tokens based on $jsonfile\n"; # my $timeleft = 30-(time()%30); # my $timeend = strftime("%H:%M:%S",localtime(time()+30-time()%30)); # print " valid for another $timeleft seconds (till $timeend)\n"; { local(*INPUT, $/); open (INPUT, $jsonfile) || die "can't open $jsonfile: $!"; $jsondata = ; } my $jsonref = decode_json $jsondata; # # retrieve OTP token from the secret file (in AndOTP formatted JSON) foreach my $entry ( @$jsonref ) { next unless $entry->{"type"} eq "TOTP"; next unless defined $entry->{"secret"}; next unless $entry->{"issuer"} eq $tokenname; if ( (defined ($entry->{"issuer"}) and $entry->{"issuer"} =~ /$tokenname/i) or (defined ($entry->{"label"}) and $entry->{"label"} =~ /$tokenname/i) ) { $otptoken = &totp_token($entry->{"secret"}); last; } } die "Cannot find TOTP secret for $tokenname in $jsonfile, bailing.\n" unless $otptoken; $::verb and print "Current TOTP value for $tokenname is $otptoken\n"; return $otptoken; } sub totp_token { my $secret = shift; $secret =~ s/====$//; # some base32 encodings have superfluous padding my $key = unpack("H*", decode_base32($secret)); my $lpad_time = sprintf("%016x", int(time()/30)); my $hmac = hmac_sha1_hex_string($lpad_time, $key); my $offset = sprintf("%d", hex(substr($hmac, -1))); my $part1 = 0 + sprintf("%d", hex(substr($hmac, $offset*2, 8))); my $part2 = 0 + sprintf("%d", hex("7fffffff")); my $token = substr("".($part1 & $part2), -6); return $token; } sub hmac_sha1_hex_string { my ($data, $key) = map pack('H*', $_), @_; hmac_sha1_hex($data, $key); } # ########################################################################### # # sub get_usage_text() { my ($progname) = @_; $progname =~ s/.*\///; return < ... -U email email address of the user in the portal -R file file with a PEM formatted CSR (only key is used) (the default is AUTO, which creates a fresh $::keytype request in a subdirectory names after the first domain name, i.e. cert's friendlyName) AUTO requests need `$::openssl` to be installed -F name name used for request and directory naming -O orgname organisation name to use for OV/EV issuance (required if more than one org matches the given domainlist) --profile xv Set cert profile to OV, EV, DV, ... (default $::profile) -d dir base directory for per-certificate/request directories -A create advanced formats on download (requires openssl) -pkcs12_opts op add as extra options to the openssl pkcs12 -export command line (e.g. "-passout pass:plain") -e url HARICA API endpoint ($::cm_endpoint) -v[v...] become (ver|very)bose -h this help -n | --dryrun do not actually do persistent actions changing state -s file JSON file containing the TOTP shared secrets default TOTP secrets JSON is $::tokensecjsonpat (can also be set using the ANDOTPJSON environment variable) -t name name of the TOTP token in the secrets file -P file password for the user is by default in $::cmpasswordfile (please make sure this is on an empheral encrypted filesystem) Commands -------- req [ ...] submit a request with these domain names, and (if AUTO request) store the result in a subdirectory named after the first domain or friendly name ("$::basedir/$::dirprefix/"). Returns the ID of the request (a UUID). If set to auto, will also put this in the "id- download a validated and issued certificate for order . This is shown after the request has been submitted, but can also be retrieved from the HARICA CM portal and (if AUTO modus) from the 'id-' file in the subdirectory for the request Example: $progname dl 59af3920-0994-4e80-b2cd-b39a81dac9e2 orglist [ ...] list the organisations that can issue for the provided list of domains (in combination with your own account privileges). Example: $progname orglist nikhef.nl achtbaan.nationalespeeltuin.nl there are no other valid commands (yet). To approve requests by the second-pair-of-eyes, use the HARICA CM portal for now. In the future, this tool may have dual-user/approver support. Important: this tool ONLY works with PREVALIDATED domains. The utility uses the plain-text backup JSON format from andOTP to read the secrets, and the labels + issuers associated with these. This makes a perl-based alternative to having your totp device handy. File should have JSON syntax like: [ { "algorithm" : "SHA1", "digits" : 6, "period" : 30, "type" : "TOTP", "issuer" : "token-name-here", "label" : "label-set-by-issuer", "secret" : "VERYVERYSECRETDATAISHIDDENINHERE" } ] If the token secrets file or the password file cannot be opened, then the script will ask for a response on the terminal. But be quick for the TOTP token entry! The tool will parse (perl-syntax) rc files from ~/.tcsg5apirc or like files (~/.haricarc, /etc/tcsg5apirc, /etc/haricarc, and /usr/local/etc/...) to overwrite some of the defaults on a per-user basis (like the password and totp secrets file) Example of a \$HOME/.haricarc file: # @(#)tcsg5apirc \$::cmusername = 'davidg\@nikhef.nl'; \$::tokensecjsonpat="/mnt/secured/otpbackup/otp_accounts_*.json"; \$::tokenname = "HARICA STG DAVIDG"; \$::cmpasswordfile = "/mnt/secured/HARICA-TCSG5/cm-stg.davidg.passphrase"; \$::cm_endpoint = "https://cm-stg.harica.gr"; \$::profile = "OV"; \$::basedir = "."; \$::ossl_pkcs12_extra_opts = "-passout pass:"; \$::orgname = "Nikhef ". "(Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Inst.)"; KNOWN LIMITATIONS ----------------- - No name component should contain a comma (","). If there are commas, then auto-EE detection will not work. That's usually harmless, but just in case. - For AUTO requests, and for advanced output formats (P7B DER, PKCS12) you will need OpenSSL 1+ installed. Also on Windows. Use WSL, Cygwin, or a Win32 build of OpenSSL. - The Digest::HMAC_SHA1 and MIME::Base32 modules are only needed to generate the totp token. If you do not like that, or do not have them, comment them out and start frantically typing digits from your totp app. CAVEATS ------- This tool comes with no warranties whatsoever, and may cause your pet to walk out on you. Beware! EOF }