system environment/libraries

lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface - Mapping interface between Globus Toolkit and LCAS/LCMAPS

License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Koji
This interface extends the basic map-file based mapping capabilities of the
Globus Toolkit to use the full LCAS/LCMAPS pluggable framework, which includes
pool accounts and VOMS attribute based decisions and mappings.


lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface-0.3.1-1.fc22.x86_64 [36 KiB] Changelog by Mischa Salle (2015-02-11):
- remove README file which is now a manpage
- rename gt4-interface-install script
- add gt4-interface-install man page
- remove globus-core and globus-gsi-callback-devel build dependencies
- update builddep on lcmaps-devel instead of -interface
- prevent unnecessary linking
- specify BuildRoot (and clean section) for EPEL5
- remove defattr
- cleanup docdir
- adding BUGS and NEWS files
- updated version

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6